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At LISIT, the CYBERSECURITY service focuses on protecting the digital infrastructure of companies against cyber threats, including security audits, implementation of security solutions, and continuous monitoring. This ensures robust protection against cyber attacks and minimizes digital risks, maintaining compliance with security regulations.

Strategy, Risk, Compliance and Resilience

We provide specialized advice to help companies develop comprehensive strategies that address challenges in terms of risk, regulatory compliance, and resilience in the current business environment, characterized by its complexity and constant change. These services are essential to ensure that organizations are prepared to face challenges and adversities, comply with current regulations and standards, and maintain a sustainable and resilient operation.

Data Protection and Privacy

It is of vital importance in the digital era, as companies must comply with privacy regulations and safeguard sensitive information of their users and customers. Our services focus on collaborating with companies to implement practices and systems that ensure data security and rigorous compliance with privacy regulations.

Identity and Access Management

For us, it is of utmost importance to ensure comprehensive protection of an organization's systems, data, and resources. IAM focuses on managing and controlling who has access to what resources, while cybersecurity focuses on protection against cyber threats. The synergy of both services allows us to help companies significantly strengthen their security posture and ensure a robust defense against potential risks.


We provide the provision of solutions and specialized guidance in the design and construction of a robust and effective security infrastructure, safeguarding companies from cyber threats. Cybersecurity plays a fundamental role in an increasingly digital and connected world, and the creation of an appropriate architecture is essential to ensure the protection of data and systems.

Engineering and Emerging Technology

Proporcionamos soluciones y asesoramiento que abarcan diversos campos. Esto engloba una amplia variedad de áreas, desde la ingeniería de software y hardware hasta la implementación de tecnologías emergentes, como inteligencia artificial, aprendizaje automático, robótica, realidad virtual y aumentada, y mucho más. Nuestra misión es guiar a las organizaciones en la exploración y adopción efectiva de tecnologías pioneras en su búsqueda de la excelencia y la competitividad en el entorno empresarial actual.


We assist companies in the identification and correction of vulnerabilities in their systems, applications, and networks ethically and in compliance with the law. Our ethical hacking experts, known as 'ethical hackers' or 'penetration testers,' simulate cyber attacks to assess the security of your organization and provide recommendations to strengthen it effectively.

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